Sweet Sophia

Sweet Sophia

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All About Sophia

All About Sophia

Thursday, 18 June 2015

                                        Hi, Everybody I'm back!

  So, its been almost a year since you've heard from me. Thank-you all so much for the      prayers and support that helped send me to Vancouver last summer for Hyperbaric Oxygen     Treatments!
  Since having the treatments my seizure activity has been cut to less then half !                           Before having the treatments a good day for me was to have around 16 seizures, and on bad days I often had 26. NOW, I often have a day with less then 3, and on bad days I still usually have less then 10.
  Also, You used to be able to drop something right beside my bed while I slept and I 
  wouldn't even stir. Now, my senses are so much sharper. After about 10 treatments, I woke up from having my light turned on.    
  These days I am slowly learning to hold my head on my own and can occasionally sit with a     roll under my arms. I am very aware of my surroundings, and when you talk to me, I will       show you in different ways that I hear you and that I understand you are talking to me.  Those that talk to me, know that I try to join in the conversation!                                                     My nights have also become so much better! I used to wake mom or dad up a lot.               The reason for that is because of my Tracheostomy tube, I have to be suctioned almost every    time I cough otherwise I could suffocate, so that meant I used to wake them up anywhere     from 5 to 15 times. And some times my coughing episodes could last 5 minutes alone.           Because of lack of sleep my seizures were often worse after a night like that. Since the treatments, my seizures are so much better and my lungs are also stronger and healthier. I have recently  stopped having to require Melatonin to sleep at night. I am relaxed enough without it, and often require suctioning less then 3 times a night. I have even had a few solid nights of sleep. Hurray!!!  Thank's to the treatments, my parents are also able to get some very much needed rest!                                                                                                                              I hope to be able to have treatments again in the near future to keep getting stronger and       continue to advance. 
 My family and I would like to thank you all again for all the prayers, support and donations    that made it possible for me to have made the improvements I have made up to this point!    It would not have been possible without your help!                                                                            Thank you for reading my blog! We hope to begin updating regularly and would love for    you to continue to follow my journey!

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